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Thursday, December 1, 2011

Beauty in the Eyes of the Beholder?

Beauty in the eyes of the Beholder?
When we imagine beauty, what is the benchmark we use?
The way a woman is shaped, the tone in her voice, the sway of her back, the glint in her evenly spaced eyes. Maybe it is a sense of beauty or an understanding by her that she is beautiful therefore she emits the correct amount of pheromones into the universe.
Is it an action or a tangible commodity?
If I cannot see, can I appreciate the essence of it all?
Do I imagine a 10 being just that?
I smile when I hear her voice. I get a toothy grin when someone says her name.
When she holds our son and looks into his eyes, there is almost nothing more beautiful.
Many times I have seen her be kind and people are kind in return this must be a form of beauty.
Her eyes and the passionate look that only I have seen, true beauty.
A heartfelt caress and an inviting smile. The way she cries when her heart has been moved, obviously a beautiful moment.
Truthfully I want to elaborate on definitions of beauty, but when I imagine the word, action, action or feeling. I get side tracked and of course because I only imagine her.
If beauty is truly in the eyes of the beholder; then it must be true, and I must be beholding

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