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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Migraine

Migraines. Some medical pundits feel that these cranial anomalies can be caused by stress, bananas, weather changes, bad pillows, bad lighting or even some smells. Some of these same doctor types feel that these afflictions may be more psychological than physical.
Truthfully, after suffering these for many years and having watched many others much like myself limp along while the blades of steel run through their eyes, I feel that the only explanation that I can embrace as accurate and diagnostically correct is this: "It is all in your head"

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Flames, Fans and Forums

Blow em up , a weak hearted response to another tough start to a season of promise for the Calgary Flames. Fans hurling themselves off the "Bandwagon" . Announcers and Fan 960 staff using, self directing forums about the current and certain of the Flames core and the unbearable lack of foresight by a team with no real management,coaching or player type leaders manning the oars . I am a fan for 82 games a year and my son would Be a fan 84 games a year (haven't in fected him with my Leaf pride yet), Can somebody tell what that means ? to be a fan of a professional team ....
Ya they get paid....
Ya it is an un-imaginable amount ...
Ya they are treated as heros by our children....
Ya they are larger than life...

So should we feel sorry for them? NOPE
Should we compare them to an animal that has an incurable disease and put them out of their own misery? NOPE
Should we put ourselves in their shoes , to try and get and understanding of their lives? NOPE

My thoughts on being a fan come from the definition i found on the web: An ardent devotee; an enthusiast.
We need to take ourselves back to when we became fans and when we subsequently picked our teams for life. We need to listen to cynical fan 960 afternoon hosts less and feel the passion of our children more. I have now taken to turning of the afternoon hockey program on the Fan 960. An opinion is one thing but the rhetoric has become almost blasphemous for the fans of this NHL team and the little fans don't need to hear it.
Lets just watch and appreciate our unique chance we have at supporting a team in this great city and stop giving our foes to the North More reason to mock our fans or our team

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A Dad's Role

4:30am: "don't don't don't", comes from my boyz room. I jump , heart pounding, eyes blurry and my legs subconsciously carry me to his little safe haven. Tears stream down his face , he is looking at me but not at me, through me.
Whats up ? I say over and over again. No response just tears ....
I lean down , and after 5 minutes of talking to an incoherent 9 year old, I get a sense that he is actually waking from this traumatic dream.
He reaches out touches my head then my arm and says I'm okay dad , did ya have a bad dream. are you okay, want me to stay with you ? I smile and say ya buddy you stay with me .